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Welcome to 2020
Welcome to 2020!
only have a small mailing list. In fact I probably spend more time
procrastinating about what I need to write in a newsletter that the
amount of people that actually read it. I do not pretend to be someone I
am not, nor do I spend time and money on advertising to get my 'brand
out there' or to be seen. Truth be told I am not a very good saleswomen
and to be honest I dont care. Alot of what we read or perceive to be
truth is far from it. Authenticity seems to be the latest buzz word
being thrown around. Its the new BullSHIT trend to create a frenzy in marketing and I will not be part of it.
I do know is that I am a creator. My experiences bring hope,
inspiration and passion to others who are also willing to be brave and
step into their own power. I do what I do because it brings me joy and
healing and if that also brings light and love into the lives of others
then I am going to continue doing what I always do, which is just to be
Life is a work of ART ! Every year I see growth and I know this year
will be no different. My experiences are packaged up in artwork, energy
healing, circles, workshops and groups. This year I will be extending
into essential oils through Aromatherapy and DoTerra, online courses and
product. There have been many seeds planted over the years and 2020
will reflect my true worth as I am sure it will for many of us.
love the saying ' Watch for people who are always bragging about who
they are. A Lion will never have to tell me it's a Lion.' It will
always be your choice who you have in your life as healers, mentors and
teachers and I truly believe you will attract what you mirror out to
the world. That will be your truth until you learn a new truth!
Be prepared to go deeper.
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